These players are not invisible, and they will provide enough information for experts to pounce on them. Their image of non-imagery will attract more highly skilled players to them, because professionals feel like amateurs here. Not only that, but they can scare away less experienced players, the very ones from whom they want to make a profit.

Neutral expression does not stop you from observing. Properly organized communication with opponents, if done correctly, will give a much better result than preserving this empty wordless image. Emptiness is undoubtedly a sign of weakness, not reliability.

An empty attitude is a retreat from any active participation, and retreat is always a sign of weakness. In addition, these forms do not know that their more highly qualified colleagues can inevitably read their stories at some point during the distribution, because the old stone face is still human.

A frivolous player will look for a table at which people seem to have fun. They will travel around the room until they come across a table with laughing friendly players gathered around. They are not looking for a serious game, but have fun, so the skills of a potential opponent are not a priority.

Online Gambling Games

On the other hand, those who play Domino99 as a profession are also looking for this good time table. Nothing beats a bunch of fun-loving lovers to warm up your appetite for the game. A laughing amateur will linger at the table while he is having fun, and may not even notice that he is losing his shirt.

A good conversation and a sense of humor combined with a slightly flattering game that makes an amateur believe that he has a chance will increase the chances that this player will return next time, perhaps even looking specifically for your table. Since they do not play for money or the excitement of high stakes, they will not regret so much, losing to an interesting player.


Keeping weak opponents in a cheerful mood, you encourage them to have high hopes for the luck of the lady who is in their way. Lady luck will visit from time to time and turn them into frequent players and attract even more fun lovers to the table. If you show a cold attitude, they will leave. World-class poker players know that they always project an image, and therefore always remember what that image is. Their images are designed to protect their interests, and not to scare people away.